weight loss

42 Best Ways To Lose Stomach Fat Fast …

13. Drink a glass of water before you eat

If you’re thirsty, you’re going to eat more. Isn’t that strange? But it’s true. So before you sit down to eat, drink a glass of cool water, wait a few minutes, then dish out your sensible portion and begin to eat. Much better!  You’ll be surprised at how effective this way to lose stomach fat is.  Give it a try!



Weight Loss Discovery Making National Headlines

Weight Loss Discovery Making National Headlines

Did you know you can lose weight without dieting? That’s what one new weight loss product wants you to believe, after claiming you can lose 30 pounds in six months, without changing what you eat.
It’s called the Sensa Weight Loss System, and it’s one of the most talked-about diet products on the market today –featured in The New York Times, Time Magazine, and Dateline NBC. Some are calling the Sensa diet “revolutionary” because of its radically new approach to weight loss.
Sensa boldly claims to help users lose significant weight, without changing their existing diet or exercise routine. All dieters have to do is sprinkle scented "Tastants" on their food, and watch the weight fall off.
We were skeptical to say the least.
The Sensa Weight Loss System goes against everything we’ve been taught about losing weight, so we dug a little deeper to find out the truth about Sensa. Is it just another weight loss scam or does Sensa actually work?
Our intrigue and skepticism soon turned to excitement as we uncovered what could be the future weapon in the war on obesity.

Is Sensa the Celebrity Diet Secret?

Always on the forefront of weight loss technology, Hollywood celebrities were eager to try Sensa for themselves.
Millionaire Matchmaker Patti Stanger recently told Access Hollywood she lost 25 pounds using Sensa, and says it fits perfectly into her busy schedule.
“I noticed my body was changing and the weight was just floating off,” says Patti, who was named by EXTRA as one of the most amazing weight loss success stories of 2010. “Sensa fits perfectly into my lifestyle, because I don't have to change anything.”
Patti’s dramatic weight loss has been featured in US Weekly, People Magazine, and Life & Style where she was quoted as saying, "Sensa was the easiest solution. You just sprinkle the pounds away."

Sensa Reviews in the Media

Hollywood celebrities weren’t the only ones catching on to this non-diet craze.
Harper’s Bazaar reviewed Sensa in a two-page article called “Easiest Diet Ever?” The review said Sensa sets “no restrictions on what you may put on your plate--or how much--Sensa practically pleads, 'Eat. Have some more! You want butter with that?'"
When Sensa was featured on Dateline NBC, they interviewed a group of study participants who had been asked to sprinkle Sensa on all their normal foods. Shockingly enough, every single person they interviewed had lost weight. None of them ever reported feeling hungry or deprived, because they were still able to eat their favorite foods--they just ate less of them.

We also found the following reviews from these respected publications:

"The key to eating less may be right under your nose." – Good Housekeeping
"Sensa...when sprinkled on food, heightens smell and taste to trick your brain into thinking your full." – InStyle
"In a study of 1400 overweight and obese men presented last year, Hirsch found those who stuck with the Sensa Tastants for six months lost an average of about 30 pounds." -- Los Angeles Times

How to Try Sensa Free

The company behind Sensa thought people might be cynical about trying their product, especially when so many diet products fail. But, that’s what we found so interesting about Sensa--it’s not really a diet at all. And, with all of this media attention, we figured it was worth recommending.
You can try Sensa free for 30 days with no obligation to buy.
Click here to learn more about this limited time offer.

Michael Roizen, M.D.

Chief Wellness Officer, Cleveland Cinic, and iVillage Expert
As chief wellness officer and chair of the Wellness Institute of the Cleveland Clinic, Michael F. Roizen, MD, is on a mission to inform folks how to live healthier, more balanced and consequently more fulfilling lives. He’ll now be offering iVillagers tips and tools to help them on their journey to total wellness. Dr. Roizen is board-certified in internal medicine and anesthesiology, a New York Times No. 1 best-selling author, and a featured expert for 360-5.com, The Oprah Winfrey Show and The Dr. Oz Show

Visit Dr. Roizen at 360-5.com


Fifteen Fat-Burning Foods and Beverages

Wouldn’t it be great if you could wave a magic wand and watch as your belly fat completely disappeared? But since we can’t count on a fairy godmother to show up anytime soon, we have to keep ourselves in check via healthy foods like these!

Grapefruit: Want to ingest fewer calories during meal time? Eating half a grapefruit prior to gathering around the dinner table can help fill you up enough to where you are able to resist that second helping of tortellini. The plentiful amounts of soluble fiber in grapefruit slow down the digestion process.
Watermelon: Everyone has experienced the stuffed feeling that comes from this colorful fruit. The water invades the space that your stomach leaves open for food, thus making you less likely to pig out. Apples and pears produce a similar result, too.
Berries: If Hollywood still made horror films based around foods, The Attack of the Killer Sweet Tooth could easily be the name of a new thriller. Instead of allowing yourself to succumb to the temptation of a cookie, pop some blackberries or strawberries into your mouth. Frozen blueberries also provide the illusion of enjoying a cold, high-calorie treat (step away from the Häagen-Dazs!).

Cucumber: Refreshing and crunchy, is there anything better? Cucumber has very few calories and helps to stave off liver disease and pancreatic cancer, and even keeps your nails looking amazing due to the high mineral content. Keep a few slices in the fridge for a nourishing bite!
Hot peppers: Although they haven’t been directly linked to weight loss, spicy habaneros or jalapeños aid in curbing the desire to gorge since we typically eat less when our food has a fiery flavor. Hot peppers also comprise the compound capsaicin, which speeds up the metabolism.
Celery: If you’re a self-proclaimed snacker, celery will be your best friend. Not only does it satisfy the need to eat something, but it has virtually no calories (one cup of celery equals a measly nineteen calories). Tip: instead of adding cream cheese or peanut butter to the stalk, give fat-free cottage cheese or fat-free black bean dip a go!

Greek yogurt: Some of us can’t stand traditional yogurt, but when it’s this thick and creamy we will race down to our favorite market just to stock up on it. Besides its wonderful texture, Greek yogurt “keeps you satisfied longer,” according to sports nutritionist Leslie Bonci, MPH, RD, because all proteins take their sweet time leaving your stomach.
Eggs: Start the day off right with seven grams of protein! Having an egg in the morning will keep your body busy because digesting eggs burns more calories than a carb-infested breakfast.
Fish: It has been engrained in our brains that fish is full of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals. But did you know that wild salmon, tuna, and sardines all make your body more responsive to the fat-burning hormone leptin, which is responsible for suppressing your appetite? If you won’t eat fish, turkey can also help you ditch the extra pounds, as it encourages the release of tryptophan, which helps you sleep. Remember: lack of sleep wreaks havoc on your waistline!

Via http://www.divinecaroline.com/22177/111288-fifteen-fat-burning-foods-beverages#ixzz1edJ4zHib

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